Dear Customer

We hope you are safe and well.

You may be aware that Kingsway Leisure Centre had an unexpected breakage to a water pipe in the main reception last weekend, causing serious flooding. While staff took immediate action, they were unable to prevent considerable damage to the reception area.

Staff and contractors worked hard to get the centre up and running, hopefully minimising the disruption to our valued customers. However, due to the damage and increased pressure on our workforce we have taken the difficult decision to close the doors at Kingsway Leisure Centre, for the last time, on Friday 31st January.

It was not our intention to close Kingsway until we could fully open Halton Leisure Centre, but a short closure now will help us to expedite the opening of the new centre.

Swimming lessons

The last swimming lessons to take place at Kingsway Leisure Centre will be on Friday 31st January and the first lessons at Halton Leisure Centre will be Monday 10th February, customer direct debits have been amended to reflect the missed lessons and more information on our new swimming lessons program will be following shortly.

Having reviewed the systems, the swimming pool, sports hall, and activity rooms will open to all on Monday 10th February. The soft play and café will open as soon as we are able to.

Halton Leisure Centre is looking fantastic and, while there is some finishing off to complete, our contractors can work round our programme to ensure we can provide you with a high-quality experience during this transition period.

We would like to offer our sincere apology to every user of Kingsway that will be impacted by this decision and thank you for your continued patience and support as we prepare to open the doors to Halton Leisure Centre. It is important that we only open when it is safe and appropriate to do so. It is an incredible facility and our focus is, and always will be, the wellbeing of staff, residents, and visitors.

We cannot not wait to welcome you all to Halton Leisure Centre!

So, for now, we will continue to welcome you to Kingsway Leisure Centre and will provide regular updates on the transition over to Halton Leisure Centre.

Best wishes,

Sports Facility Team

Further information:

Direct Debits

  • We will not collect your full direct debit payment for the month of February – 75% of your normal fee will be collected. To reflect the week closure. You monthly membership has been frozen and new fees and charges will only be applied from 1st April (or just after). This collection process will continue on a month-by-month basis, as per our Terms and Conditions.

Swimming lessons

The last swimming lesson at KLC will be Friday 31st Jan and the first lessons at HLC will be Monday 10th Feb.

Activities and Session Information

  • A new schedule of fees and charges for Sports Facilities has been approved today and can be viewed on this link – Fee’s & Charges | Halton Leisure Centre
  • We have also updated our Terms and Conditions which can be found here 
  • A new booking system is being introduced and further information will follow in the coming weeks. Unfortunately, we cannot offer our usual 7 days advance booking system before 10th
  • Halton Leisure Centre telephone number is 0151 511 1000, and it will be in operation from 1st Or you can email
  • You can still take out a membership at the current price, until 31st This payment will be held until 31st March, when new prices will apply. There will be no membership sales from 1st February until 10th February.
  • The booking system for classes etc will be fully operational from 10th
  • Halton Leisure Centre webpage and Active Halton App will go live on 10th
  • A ‘Planning Your Visit’ video will be recorded in the coming days, and you will be able to view further information on our website and app.

We look forward to seeing you in the NEW leisure centre soon!